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The Global Estuaries Monitoring Programme


The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)

Endorsed Ocean Decade Action

The Global Estuaries Monitoring (GEM) Programme is co-designed by partners and stakeholders with a view to developing a global network to monitor environmental contaminants (e.g. pharmaceutical residues, emerging pollutants of concern, micro-plastics, pathogens etc.) in major urbanised estuaries worldwide.

The Programme will develop standard sampling and analysis methods with training opportunities to build capacity for global estuaries monitoring. With about 100 countries expected to join the Programme, its results will reveal the pollution situation around the globe, identify the estuaries that require attention and improvement, recommend priority contaminants for control, and promote best practices to combat the pollution problems and thereby creating cleaner estuaries.

Study Locations

The GEM Network


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Key Partners

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About Us

The Global Estuaries Monitoring Programme

is hosted by: 

The State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution

P5840, 5/F, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, 

City University of Hong Kong, 

83 Tat Chee Avenue, 

Kowloon Tong, 

Hong Kong

Contact Us

T: (+852) 3442 6504

F: (+852) 3442 0524

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© 2021-2030 by The Global Estuaries Monitoring Programme

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